Thursday, March 3, 2011

Can I get 3 Big Macs, and 20 chicken Nuggets?

Well tis thursday and the past two days in my pharmacy class we have watched the movie "Super Size Me", many of you have probably seen this low budget film, but it hits one directly in the heart, literally. Morgan Spurlock the director, and main character, goes on a journey of eating nothing but Mcdonalds for one month, and three times a day. Has his experience goes on, the movie company interviews very important people in the fast food industry, and the health industry. He ends the movie by gaining 27 pounds in thirty days, and the movie shows what America is doing to themselves. Even though fast food is easy to get, we should only eat it at least once a month. America is killing itself from the inside-out. Obesity is the second leading cause of controlable death after smoking, meaning that the user is to blame not natural causes or genetics. So come on America put down the fake food and go eat some salad for a little while and maybe you wouldnt need to go on a diet plan.

Morgan Spurlock: [to kids] I'm gonna show you some pictures and I want you to tell me who they are.
Children: OK.
Morgan Spurlock: [Showing a picture of George Washington] Who's that?
Child: George Washington?
Children: Good. Who was he?
Children: He was the 4th president. He freed the slaves. He could never tell a lie.
Morgan Spurlock: [shows picture that we can't see] Who's that?
Child: George W. Bush?
Morgan Spurlock: No. That's a good guess though.
[Shows picture to the camera, and we see that it's a picture of Jesus]
Morgan Spurlock: Who is this?
[shows a picture of the Wendy's girl]
Child: Wendy!
Morgan Spurlock: Nice!
Morgan Spurlock: Who's that?
[shows picture of Ronald McDonald]
Child: McDonald, Ronald McDonald.

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